Holistic Care Options, Inc.

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Ways to Assist Your Elderly in Their Recovery From Stroke

Ways to Assist Your Elderly in Their Recovery From Stroke

Having an elderly loved one recover from a stroke is no walk in the park. Aside from the physical and mental toll, it takes on your elderly loved one and the cost of the very rehabilitation, there is also the matter of unavoidable stress that comes with caregiving.

Fortunately, you can take on ways to assist your elderly loved ones in their recovery as well as make it easier for the whole family through the following ways:

  • Address rehabilitation as soon as possible.

    Timely intervention is necessary for any condition, but more so after a stroke due to ‘cortical plasticity’ or the time when the brain is most likely to retain changes and new habits that happens after an injury. Thus, make sure that your loved one has an existing rehabilitation plan upon discharge. Coordinate with their physician to secure the necessary arrangement.

    At home, you may enlist our caregiver in Arizona to ensure that they are on track with their care plan.

  • Be your elderly loved one’s aid in communication.

    Loss of language is a common result of stroke, affecting between 25% to 40% of stroke survivors. This is why it is important that you aid your elderly loved ones in their communication needs.

  • Enlist the help of a stroke care provider.

    Stroke care services is a specific service that works to help stroke survivors regain the highest possible degree of independence and ensure a successful recovery at home.

We offer this service at Holistic Care Options, Inc, our home care in Laveen, Arizona.

Our service covers assistance on transportation and errands, personal care, and expert companionship care to help stroke survivors be on their way to a faster recovery.

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