Holistic Care Options, Inc.

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When Is the Right Time to Ask for Home Care Assistance?


As loved ones to the elderly members of the family, we face the challenging task of deciding when the right time to seek a licensed caregiver in Arizona is to assist with their day-to-day activities.

Too early and they may feel their independence undermined, too late and you may be unintentionally helping increase their risk for falling. Thus, it is crucial to get the timing right.

So, when is the right time? As your partner in health and a trusted provider of home care in Laveen, Arizona at Holistic Care Options, Inc., here are some tell-tale signs it’s time to ask for assistance:

  • An unsteady gait

    Having an unstable gait or pattern of walking is most likely to result in a fall incident.

  • General poor health

    Is your senior loved one constantly complaining of pains, feeling fatigued, or unable to perform physically, mentally, or socially? Their poor well-being puts them at risk for developing diseases and for falling incidents.

  • Exhibiting moodiness and irritability

    The many changes that come with aging, such as decreased reflexes and mobility difficulties, can make it harder for your senior loved ones to participate in activities they used to love.

A companionship care service can help them feel less alone and more capable.

Does your senior loved one show any of the above signs? If they do, don’t think twice, enlist the services of a home care provider today.

We hope this entry helped lead you to the right decision. For more like this, please check back next time.

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